T shirt printers are almost everywhere. Most of them promise the lowest price something which we never promise. As a responsible company, We do not want to put our customers as well as all our partners in the supply chain into trouble with fake promises for the lowest price or the shortest delivery time. We believe in sustainable industries. We believe in systematic processes instead of firefighting work. We believe in bringing value to everybody who we work with. This process of creating value goes far beyond offering a low-cost product that does not bring in better results in the long run, not only to the industry but also to the customer. As an accountable company representing the entire community of t shirt printers, that is why we structure everything from the point of contact until the final pickup.
Please click here, submit your contact information and then check your inbox/spam folder for the guidelines. Our City Office team will offer 1 to 1 support until you get hold of your custom merchandise. Lesova Holdings (Pvt) Ltd, will ensure a smooth run.
Production leadtime: 3 – 8 weeks | Recommended order size for cost savings: LKR 300,000+ OR uniforms: 300+, other items: 1000+ | Minimum order size: Garments- 100 | Caps, Ties & Hats- 200| Minimum invoice value- LKR 50,000 | Recommended No of uniforms per person per year: 5-10 (5 day work week)