Custom t shirts in Sri Lanka for your custom requirement is no longer an issue with our ace team. These are just a few of many benefits you can gain from custom t shirts:
- Far more cost effective compared to print, TV and social media in the long run
- Unique as not everybody does custom t shirts
- There is a vast range to select from based on your budget and design preferneces
- Work super well if you are focussed on building teams who act like teams
- Free yet powerful advertising as they work as walking billboards
- If it is about a new conversation with a stranger custom t shirts are a great approach
- Works as a gift that eveybody loves: team mates, suppliers, customers and even potential customers
Please click here, submit your contact information and then check your inbox/spam folder for the guidelines. Our City Office team will offer 1 to 1 support until you get hold of your custom merchandise. Custom t shirts from Sri Lanka you can always trust comes from nowhere else but from our team.
Production leadtime: 3 – 8 weeks | Recommended order size for cost savings: LKR 300,000+ OR uniforms: 300+, other items: 1000+ | Minimum order size: Garments- 100 | Caps, Ties & Hats- 200| Minimum invoice value- LKR 50,000 | Recommended No of uniforms per person per year: 5-10 (5 day work week)