Best t shirt suppliers won’t promise you everything under the sun. Instead, they would clearly mention few areas they focus on. So even in our case, we will not promise you the lowest price in town or the shortest deadlines. Instead, we stick to our focus of offering you higher overall value through service & product quality, convenience, and reliability.
“Under promise and over delivery” is what we do even if we tend to lose some potential customers who have not worked with us that way. It is our responsibility to show you the “caution areas”. Showing you the “caution areas” upfront may help you understand the real story of custom clothing instead of a flowery picture. This will help you to plan better to minimize the effect of “caution areas”. You will get to see all of that as you start communicating with our team.
Interested in knowing those “caution areas”? Oh cool! We are just a simple click away. Experience the service levels of the best t shirt suppliers in town.
Please click here, submit your contact information and then check your inbox/spam folder for the guidelines. Our City Office team will offer 1 to 1 support until you get hold of your custom merchandise.
Production leadtime: 3 – 8 weeks | Recommended order size for cost savings: LKR 300,000+ OR uniforms: 300+, other items: 1000+ | Minimum order size: Garments- 100 | Caps, Ties & Hats- 200| Minimum invoice value- LKR 50,000 | Recommended No of uniforms per person per year: 5-10 (5 day work week)